Danger from feline enteritis: how to protect your cat effectively

Feline panleukopenia is a highly contagious viral disease in cats. It is caused by the feline parvovirus and primarily affects the animal’s immune system and gastrointestinal tract. This disease is particularly dangerous for young cats and unvaccinated animals. Cat owners should take feline parvovirus disease seriously, as it is often fatal without timely treatment. Why … Read more

Does vegan diet harm a cat?

The global consumption of pet food is huge and continues to rise. For example, according to one estimate, the global pet population in 2018 included around 373 million cats as well as 471 million dogs, which is also driving extensive development of new pet food products or pet snacks. These include, for example, diets based … Read more

What to do if my cat is breathing heavily?

Cats breathe faster during exertion, dehydration, fever and heat. But a disease can also be behind the heavy breathing. Keep calm and observe your cat closely. Are the eating and drinking behavior different than usual? Does it shy away from touching because of pain? The close observation of the accompanying symptoms can be helpful for … Read more

Feeding cats with barfing species appropriate

As an opposite to the ready-made food for cats, more and more cat owners inform themselves about the new trend Barfen. The term Barfen means bone and raw food (biological and species-appropriate eating) for cats: Fresh meat, offal, bones and supplements self-assembled. BARF simply explained In contrast to cooked canned food, only raw meat goes … Read more