Removing cat urine

There is nothing more unpleasant for cat owners than when the cat is unclean and pees everywhere. Not only that the cat urine smells mean. No, also the removal of the mishap from carpets and from the bed is more time-consuming than thought.

Why does the cat not pee in the litter box?

Does the cat know what to do in the litter box? Feral cats or kittens that have grown up without a mother do not know the function of the litter box. Kittens with mother learn from her how to use the litter box. All other cats need toilet training for this. How does the toilet training work? As soon as the cat wants to do its business, it is put on the litter box. Praise the cat extensively when it does its business in the litter box. The positive confirmation can be reinforced with a treat. This way the cat learns to associate the litter box with something pleasant. Teaching the cat to use the litter box is part of cat training. Also make sure the litter box is always accessible, in a quiet place, and the rim is not too high so kittens can get in independently. Make sure that the litter box is always clean.

Cat pees on the carpet

If peeing on the carpet is not a protest action, an organic problem could be the cause. A bladder weakness due to nerve damage (accident) or other complex internal diseases are possible, which you must clarify at the vet. If the cat is sick, the cat urine has a different smell, a different color or contains blood. Old cats often simply forget where the litter box is and unceremoniously relieve themselves on the carpet if they have to. Therefore, carry an old cat to the litter box in time to avoid the damage.

Cat pees on the carpet: psychological reasons

Most cats become unclean overnight because they are unhappy. Perhaps there have been changes in the living environment, such as new furniture or foreign smells, which make the cat uncomfortable. If the cat feels neglected, it makes its frustration clear by peeing everywhere. Also a baby as a new roommate or fights about the ranking with several cats can lead to the fact that the cat becomes unclean. If you observe your cat closely, you will certainly find out the reason for the uncleanliness. Is the litter box always accessible? Have you changed the type of cat litter recently? Do you give the cat enough attention when it asks for it?

Cat pees everywhere

If the cat pees mainly on horizontal surfaces everywhere, it is uncleanliness. If the cat pees more on vertical surfaces, it marks its territory. To do this, it raises its tail, points its rear end toward the vertical surfaces, and sprays them with cat urine. The behavior may be a stress response when the cat feels threatened by another cat or when male and female cats that are not spayed are entering mating season. Male cats mark to mark off their territory and to cover up strange smells (even into shoes or baby’s carrier). Female cats mark to attract the attention of male cats. Neutered cats no longer mark their territory.

Smell of cat urine

Cat urine does not smell good, especially in the apartment. It smells penetratingly of ammonia and sulfur. Especially the amount of stinking ammonia is very high in cat urine. The reason for this is not the cat’s diet, but the waste products that are produced when the velvet paw eats, no matter what the cat eats. If the cat drinks too little water, the urine smell can be even more penetrating. Extremely stinky cat urine may be a sign of kidney disease or diabetes. Diseases of the reproductive organs and urinary tract also affect the smell of cat urine. Have this clarified at the veterinarian.

Removing cat urine

Cat urine should be removed as soon as possible after the mishap, so that it is not absorbed into the surface. However, do not use a cleaner that also contains ammonia for this purpose. This would intensify the smell of cat urine and encourage the cat to continue to pee incorrectly.

Remove cat urine safely

The good news: There are many means to remove cat urine. The bad news: not every cleaner is suitable for all surfaces. Remove cat urine that has not yet soaked into the surface in advance with Zewa or with an old towel. The still fresh urine stain can then be removed with a cleaner containing vinegar, alcohol or baking soda. Before using vinegar (mix household vinegar 1:3 or 1:2 with water), you must remove the stain with a neutral soap or other cleaner, because vinegar can fix the stain in fabrics, which then can not be removed. A cleaner with alcohol to remove cat urine should contain at least 70 percent alcohol for it to work. Another option for removing cat urine is cleaners with enzymes. The enzymes break down the structure of the urine crystals, so the stain as well as the odor of cat urine that has penetrated deep into the tissue can be removed. Newer stains of cat urine can be removed with mild cleaners such as Sagrotan or Febreze. However, they only combat the urine odor, not the stain that has developed.

Home remedy to remove cat urine

Washable textiles such as bedding, mattress covers or washable sofa cushions in the washing machine to remove odor and stains from cat urine. Add a little apple cider vinegar. For non-sensitive fabrics, you may add a little chlorine to the wash. For non-washable materials, you may add a paste of cornstarch, baking soda or soda mixed with water to the stain. These home remedies contain baking soda. Let the paste sit overnight and vacuum the areas the next day. You may be able to add coffee powder to the dry urine stain, which you previously treated with a neutral cleaner, to counteract the odor. Vacuum the powder off the fabric later. Since coffee powder stains, this method of odor removal is only suitable for dark tissues. Diluted mouthwash can remove the urine stain and also the odor. Put the mixture on the stain and let it dry. Attention: Colored mouthwash can discolor the fabric.

Measures for prolonged impurity of the cat

Incontinence pads protect the sofa from cat urine better than a towel. After all, once the urine stink has soaked into the upholstery, you can still smell it months later. And chlorine-based cleaners are usually not suitable for upholstery either. So you have to take precautions. For the bed, a blanket made of oilcloth or a picnic blanket with an impermeable underside are suitable. Oilcloth is easy to wipe clean and many picnic blankets are washable.

Further measures against cat urine

  • Make sure the litter box is always clean and do not use harsh or scented cleaners to clean the litter box.
  • Don’t leave dirty laundry, towels, and miscellaneous items lying around that might encourage the cat to scratch and serve as a substitute for the litter box if the cat finds the litter box unattractive.
  • Cover soil from houseplants with stones or grids. You should do the same with places where the cat urinates repeatedly. You can also find disposable toilets for cats in stores, which you can place in places where the cat urinates.

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