What can cats eat?

The diet of your cat is very important. A balanced supply of proteins and nutrients through the choice of cat food is the key to a healthy cat life. Just as with us humans, a balanced diet is the key to a long and healthy life for cats. Often the question arises, what about the … Read more

My cat is throwing up

Cat vomiting can have different colors depending on the cause. It depends primarily on what the cat ate and with what coloring. Often it is not the food you gave that is being vomited. You often can’t tell exactly what the cat is missing based on the color of the vomit. However, there are some … Read more

Cat accustomed to outdoor

Free-roaming cats are happier than indoor-only cats. Exercising in the fresh air and doing whatever comes to their minds garnish a full cat life. However, outdoor cats are also exposed to dangers and their life expectancy is slightly shorter than apartment cats at 15 years. Cats with disabilities, allergies and chronically ill cats should be … Read more

Cat in puberty

Yes, cats, like all mammals, also go through puberty. Puberty marks the transition from kitten to adult cat, from cute kitten to adult cat ready to reproduce. In female kittens, puberty begins around the third month of life. Female cats are usually sexually mature between the sixth and ninth month. Oriental cats (Siamese, Burmese Abyssinian) … Read more

Train cat with a laser pointer

Cats are hunters. Apartment cats can only satisfy this urge by playing with cat toys, cat fishing rods or small balls. A relatively new game is hunting for the light spot of a laser pointer. The laser pointer for cats is similar to the laser pointing wand used in schools and in lectures for wall … Read more

Cat marks

What is still tolerated at the garden fence, is almost unacceptable in the apartment or in the house, because cat urine smells very unpleasant in closed rooms, if not unbearable, because the urine emitted is highly concentrated, so that it smells as long as possible. But what can you do if the cat marks at … Read more

Clicker training cat

Just as for other pets, clicker training is also suitable for cats, male cats and kittens. Clicker training can facilitate coexistence between humans and cats, shy cats become more trusting and desirable behaviors can be trained. This includes going into the unloved transport box. Clicker training is definitely an alternative to constant admonitions and nasty … Read more

Match cats

Cats do not like to be alone. If you are working all day, then a second cat can be purchased as a companion to play with and cuddle with so that your cat is busy and has company.. Cats that are bored get into a bunch of mischief and often trash the apartment. A second … Read more