What to do if my cat is breathing heavily?

Cats breathe faster during exertion, dehydration, fever and heat. But a disease can also be behind the heavy breathing. Keep calm and observe your cat closely. Are the eating and drinking behavior different than usual? Does it shy away from touching because of pain? The close observation of the accompanying symptoms can be helpful for … Read more

Keep cat at home

You would like to keep a cat, but you do not know how to do it? You are a beginner in cat keeping and have never owned a cat or a dog before and you would like to do everything right so that the cat feels comfortable with you? Then here is a guide to … Read more

Understand cat language

The cat hisses When cats hiss, cat owners are often confused. What is my cat trying to tell me by hissing? Contrary to the popular belief that hissing in cats shows aggressiveness, cats actually only hiss when they feel cornered. The hissing is a warning signal in cats. They want to scare off their opponent. … Read more

Feeding cats with barfing species appropriate

As an opposite to the ready-made food for cats, more and more cat owners inform themselves about the new trend Barfen. The term Barfen means bone and raw food (biological and species-appropriate eating) for cats: Fresh meat, offal, bones and supplements self-assembled. BARF simply explained In contrast to cooked canned food, only raw meat goes … Read more

Male and female cat?

Those who want to get a cat are often not sure whether to get a cat or a male. Besides the biological differences, are there other differences that a cat owner-to-be can use as a guide? Differences of male and female cats in character Unneutered males are generally considered to be robust and they often … Read more

Allergic cats

If the nose runs, the eyes water or the skin itches when a cat is around, then not so unusual a cat allergy is responsible for it. How you can still keep a cat, you can learn here. What is a cat allergy? The saliva, blood serum and urine of a cat contain allergens that … Read more

How long do cats grow?

Kittens are cute to look at as cuddly bundles of fur without question. But they usually do not stay too small for long. From birth to the age of seven months, a kitten develops into an adult cat. The development is thereby divided into individual phases. The first week of life after birth Shortly after … Read more

The pregnant cat

If you want kittens, you have a good chance of success if the cat has mated during its heat. Cats are very fertile and they usually give birth to three to six, even seven kittens two to three times a year. The fertile phase of a cat begins at the age of six months to … Read more

Keeping an apartment cat

A cat does not necessarily have to live as an outdoor cat. There are cats that are perfectly suitable as an apartment cat. Especially pedigree cats adapt well maintenance in the apartment. Then cats should not live alone, however, but be socialized with a second cat. Once the cat has enjoyed life as a free … Read more

Cat meows at night

While people sleep at night, cats as nocturnal animals can be particularly lively at night. There are cats that sleep or snooze at night and cats that restlessly tramp through the apartment at night and are, so to speak, on a nightly prowl. While cats also communicate with each other by means of body language … Read more