Found cat – what to do?

Cats, as free roamers, can travel many miles away from their homes in search of food or while roaming around. Many cats even have set routes that they walk. They like to explore strange houses when doors or windows are open. However, this is why not every cat is homeless that looks at you with … Read more

Say goodbye to the cat

Saying goodbye to the beloved cat forever is a difficult step. Especially when the cat is to be euthanized due to a serious illness, saying goodbye is often the last resort. Find the right time A decision must always be made in the best interest of the cat. Feelings of the owner play only a … Read more

Do cats need to drink?

Yes, cats need to drink, even if they are fed mostly wet food. A cat needs about 50 to 70 ml of fluid per kg of body weight per day to stay healthy. In many cases, the liquid is taken in with the food. Nevertheless, additional water dispensers should always be available for the cat. … Read more

When cats mourn

Just like humans, cats can grieve. When a human leaves their environment, when an animal roommate dies, when there is a change of owner, or even after a move that affects the mental well-being of the cat, cats can grieve because they have lost an important social partner or safety and security. The mourning can … Read more

Poisonous plants for cats

If a cat moves in with you, it is not only necessary to purchase suitable equipment for the cat such as cat food, cat toys, a litter box, a sleeping basket and a scratching post. No, you need to make your entire home suitable for cats. This starts with securing open and tilted windows and … Read more

Bath cats

Cats are very clean animals. They clean their fur for hours with their tongue. This has a rough structure, so that cats, dirt, loose hairs or parasites simply lick out of their fur. Hair is also swallowed in the process, which balls up in the stomach as a fur ball. The cat must choke this … Read more

Gray cats – lovable and unique

Gray cats are considered curious. They like to play for their lives and quickly get involved in a game, but this can also take an aggressive course. Gray cats like to strut through their territory and prefer the open air to a pure attitude as an apartment cat. The gray coat color radiates calmness and … Read more

How old is my cat in human years?

With dogs it is well known: One dog year is seven human years. But what about cats? Convert cat years to human years Cats age much faster than humans. This is understandable, because cats usually live 12 to 18 years, some cat breeds up to 20 years. In humans, puberty has just finished and the … Read more

The ABCs of cat language

Do you always know what your cat wants to tell you? Because besides meowing, there are many signals that the cat emits to communicate with its human. By the way, the meow is reserved only for humans. Cats among themselves do not meow at each other. Only baby cats meow. Meowing can mean anything. It … Read more

What cats do not like

Cats have extremely fine noses, because they have many times more olfactory cells than humans. That is why there are many smells that cats do not like, even scare them away. Cats and scents Cats do not like scented candles, room scents or incense sticks. Especially the scents musk, lemon or cinnamon are a horror … Read more